Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Roommates

So I have talked to you about my roommates all ganging up on me. Well that doesn't happen so much anymore. Now Britney and Elizabeth have realized that I was the one that wasn't batshit crazy the entire time and that what I was saying what actually making sense. Britney and I get along so well. We love living together. Since she started realizing that Julie was the one creating all the drama we have gotten along fabulously. We hardly ever argue. We are always there when we need each other. Elizabeth is great too. Two of my previous roommates that I hardly knew and talked to moved out and now we have two more roommates. One is a freshman named Cassie and the other is just working and not going to school and her name is Jessica. So there are six of us that live together and we all know and talk to each other. Near the end of the last semester Britney got a boyfriend who is totally nice and awesome and I kind of hooked them up. His name is Luke. They are like super cute together and get along really well. Sometimes they are too cute together. I don't have a boyfriend so seeing them all happy and cuddly and stuff makes me wish I had a boyfriend. So I get a little sad and stuff. But this post isn't about that. My new roommate Jessica also has a boyfriend. His name is Jake. We knew Jake before and stuff and he encouraged us to move in with Jessica. We had met Jessica a few times before and she was super nice and totally awesome. She was still living with her parents and was looking for a place to stay. So we invited her to move in with us. She moved in and was almost entirely different. Her entire personallity had changed. She took a 180 degree turn into we-don't-like-you-ville. I don't care what people do behind closed doors in your bedroom, but I don't really want to hear about it...or hear it for that matter. Jessica is partially deaf. However, her boyfriend and gotten really super annoying. He will come into MY apartment and proclaim that the movie we are watching is stupid or the movie we want to watch is dumb. He is almost always in a grumpy mood. It is super irritating. He is never happy. He always finds something to complain about. One day I just let him have it. I just yelled at him. I don't swear very often but I was just letting loose. I just yelled and yelled and yelled. Then of course afterwards I felt bad and I appologized for my behavior. Did he? NO!!! I was hoping though that this would cause him to realize he acts like an idiot, but it didn't. He still acts the same as he does!!! He is about to drive me batty. And Jennifer isn't any better. I want to tell her to move out and that no one likes her but I'm too nice to do something like that. They both are DRIVING ME INSANE!!! The other new roommate, Cassie, is pretty cool. I haven't had any problems with her at all.

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