Sunday, November 3, 2013

In The Beginning

This blog is just a venting blog for me. In case you didn't get it by the name and email associated with this blog, I will remain anonymous. I will change the names of everyone I talk about, but I will keep the same changed name for the same person. I may get a little creative with this. Just keep in mind that I am changing names and places. I don't want anyone to get offended by what I have to say, but I feel like I need to tell someone without actually telling anyone. I don't know if I will get any followers, but I certainly hope that at least one person reads this. If that one person is me in five years, so be it. To anyone who ever may read this, I hope you enjoy. I know I said this is a venting blog, but I will probably write about fun and cool things we do. I won't post pictures, for obvious reasons, but I hope you picture the awesomeness in your head.

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